- Completed tetra build
- Completed squarebot build
Friday, May 29, 2015
Post #40
What we accomplished this week:
Monday, May 25, 2015
Post #39
Goals for this week:
- Complete the tetra build
- Complete the squarebot build
- Complete autonomous
Friday, May 22, 2015
Post #38
What we accomplished this week:
This week we did manage to begin building the tetra build, however, that's the only goal we set that we were able to accomplish his week. We still have not finished autonomous due to some technical difficulties, but we are getting really close to finishing it. We plan on doing the squarebot build after we finish autonomous. Hopefully by next week, we can finish autonomous before finals start.
- Begin doing the tetra build
This week we did manage to begin building the tetra build, however, that's the only goal we set that we were able to accomplish his week. We still have not finished autonomous due to some technical difficulties, but we are getting really close to finishing it. We plan on doing the squarebot build after we finish autonomous. Hopefully by next week, we can finish autonomous before finals start.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Post #37
The Goals For This Week Are:
- Finish Autonomous
- Finish Squarebot Build
- Begin Building The Tetra
This quarter is coming to an end and now it is crunch time. We are almost done with the autonomous and although we are several months behind and it has been a long journey, we have learned a lot from it. Hopefully we will be able to complete 3 assignments this week.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Post #36
What we accomplished this week:
- Install the motors in the robot
- Made the robot steer straight
- Went around the chairs twice
Monday, May 11, 2015
Post #35
Goals for this week:
- Make the robot go around the chair 3 times
- Start working on the next project
Friday, May 8, 2015
Post #34
What we accomplished this week:
- Tighten all the loose screws on the robot
- Adjust our code to fit our robot
Monday, May 4, 2015
Post #33
Goals for this week:
- Finish coding the autonomous
- Make the robot go around the chairs
Friday, May 1, 2015
Post #32
What we accomplished this week:
- We finished replacing the axles on the robot
Monday, April 27, 2015
Post #31
Our Goals For This Week Are:
- Finish replacing the axles for the robot
- Finish coding the autonomous
- Make the robot go around the chairs
We figured out that the reason why our robot won't move in a straight line is because the motor isn't tightened. We have to change the axles for the motors in order to fix this problem. Because we are being relocated this week due to EOC testing, we don't expect to complete many of the goals.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Post #30
What we accomplished this week:
- Found a fixed place for our robot to start at
- Made the robot go in a straight line
This week we didn't manage to accomplish all the goals that we set this week. While we were seriously close to completing one of them, another mishap happened. One of the motors weren't running right. However, we are currently working on fixing the problem so that we can continue on. Hopefully by next week we can definitely accomplish the goals that we set this week.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Post #29
Goals for this week:
- Make it around the chairs twice
- Begin on our third lap around the chairs
Friday, April 17, 2015
Post #28
What we accomplished:
- Robot went around the chair once
- Fixed the motor on the robot
Monday, April 13, 2015
Post #27
What we accomplished:
Today we continued to work on our RobotC Code for our Robot. We are getting a bit used to the code structure and are more capable of changing and adding certain things. Over the course of this week we managed to accomplish one whole lap around the two chairs.
- We finished the coding for the first lap around the chairs.
- We also learned a bit more about the structure of code.
Today we continued to work on our RobotC Code for our Robot. We are getting a bit used to the code structure and are more capable of changing and adding certain things. Over the course of this week we managed to accomplish one whole lap around the two chairs.
Friday, April 10, 2015
Post #26
Today we managed to figure out how to change the variables in the speed and power to help and allow our robot to stop turning as it tries to go straight. Along with this we also discovered that certain things in our code such as the wait-time, played a major component in what we need to be able to get around the track. We also did a bit of maintenance along the way due to the robot hitting the chairs and loosening up the bolt.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Post #25
Goals for this week:
- Get the robot to do autonomous
- Begin working on the robot arm
Friday, April 3, 2015
Post #24
This week we accomplished every goal we set this week. We managed to polish up our robot and replace the old motor with a new one. We tried connecting our robot to the computer, however, we had some difficulty connecting. Hopefully we can get the robot to work next week so we can get the robot to do autonomous.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Post #23
Goals for this week:
- Tighten up all the loose screws
- Put in a new motor
Friday, March 20, 2015
Post #22
What we accomplished:
- We attached the battery and receiver to the robot
- We connected the robot to the computer and began programming today
Monday, March 16, 2015
Post #21
Today we were able to come over to the computers and get our robot synced with the computer. It took awhile for the Robot to finally connect to the computer and allow us to begin programming. It took a whole two days before it would work. But we finally got it to and the results came out well. We are now onto programming it to use duel joysticks.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Post #20
What we accomplished:
- Finished building the robot
- Positioned the screws in the correct place
This week we completed building our robots. We weren't able to connect the battery to the brain because all the batteries were dead. It took us two weeks to build the robot, half of what it took us to draw it on the computer. Next week we hope to start programming.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Post #19
Goals for this week:
This week we plan on continuing to build our Robot. We finally got the correct parts so that the wheels could turn properly. Also we had to adjust the length of the railing so that we could have the Robot completely sturdy.
- Build the canopy
- Finish the robot
This week we plan on continuing to build our Robot. We finally got the correct parts so that the wheels could turn properly. Also we had to adjust the length of the railing so that we could have the Robot completely sturdy.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Post #18
What we accomplished:
- Built the basic structure of the robot.
- Got all the screws in place
This week we built the basic structure of the robot. On the computer, this took us approximately weeks. Next week we hope to be completely finished with the canopy and the robot.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Post #17
Goals For This Week
This week we will begin to physically build our robot. We believe it will be a lot easier since we already know the names of most of the parts.
- Build the basic structure of the robot
- Put the screws in the correct places
This week we will begin to physically build our robot. We believe it will be a lot easier since we already know the names of most of the parts.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Post #16
Goals Accomplished:
- We managed to separate 2 red bins worth of nuts and screws
- We connected enough screws and nuts to file up 1 green bin
This week was very productive, for we managed to organize over two bins worth of screws and nuts. Although it wasn't the most exciting thing, it saved us tons of time when we began to assembly our robot during class. We are very excited for next week as we continue to build our robot.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Post #15
Goals for this Week:
- Separate the vex screws and nuts
- Organize the vex screws and nuts into separate bins
- Set aside any odd findings
Since we have finally finished assembling our robot on Solidworks, we can finally get to the physical labor. In order to make our work load easier, we are going to separate the vex screws and nuts into different piles. This in turn will make locating necessary components for the robot easier to find.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Post #14
Goals Accomplished:
- Connected the canopy to the base assembly
- Finished all our mates, although we weren't all fixed mates
- Everything was positioned correctly
Today I continued to work on our Vex Robot on SolidWorks. I finally got everything in the correct position's and managed to mate them together. We still are having a bit of an issue of making the mates stay in place along with the parts. We shall continue to work on this and see if we can get some progress done.

Monday, February 16, 2015
Post #13
Goals for this week :
Today we continued to work on our SolidWorks Robot. We decided it would be a good idea to start over and get some parts and other area's mated correctly so the Robot is not able to move around as we click and drag certain area's. Along with that we also managed to get the canopy together and mate it to the top of our Robot.
- Finish the Re-Modeled version of the robot
- Make sure all the mates are in tact
- Connect the base model with the Canopy
Today we continued to work on our SolidWorks Robot. We decided it would be a good idea to start over and get some parts and other area's mated correctly so the Robot is not able to move around as we click and drag certain area's. Along with that we also managed to get the canopy together and mate it to the top of our Robot.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Post #12
Goals Accomplished:
- Finished the basic structure of the squarebot
- Finished the canopy
- Began putting on the wheels

Monday, February 9, 2015
Post #11
Goals for this week
Today we were pretty glad to be able to be finished with our Solid works Square Bot. We spent most of the class period taking care of our blog and updating and adding certain aspects that were needed or that needed to be changed. When we were playing around with our robot, we realized that many of the mates were off. Although our robot was finished and looked okay physically, beneath the surface, many of the mates were constructed poorly.
- Re-design the robot so all the components are locked into place
- Re-do the mates so the robot parts are not over defined
- Re-place the parts so they don't move when one piece is touched.
Today we were pretty glad to be able to be finished with our Solid works Square Bot. We spent most of the class period taking care of our blog and updating and adding certain aspects that were needed or that needed to be changed. When we were playing around with our robot, we realized that many of the mates were off. Although our robot was finished and looked okay physically, beneath the surface, many of the mates were constructed poorly.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Post #10
Goals Accomplished:
- Finished building the base assembly
- Finished building the canopy
- Finished the wire assembly
Today we put all the finishing touches on the Solid-Works Bot base assembly, but we couldn't connect the finished canopy to the bot. We managed to complete most of our goals for this week except for mastering how to code for the robot. Even though we had a difficult time putting together the whole thing, it was a fun process. 

Monday, February 2, 2015
Post #9
- Finish the Chassis Subassembly and connect it to he Canopy Assembly on Solid works.
- Begin to complete the Wire Assembly for the Robot
- By Feb. 9, we aim to complete the Robot on Solid works
- Begin to master the coding for Robot C
So far, we have overcome an obstacle that was hindering our progress. Since we haven't used Solid works in a while, we got off to a rocky start. However, we are picking up the pace and making up for lost time.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Post #8
Goals Accomplished:
This week we continued on our work with the Solid-works Square Bot. Jordan and I were able to figure out the correct measurements for the perfect fit for our square bars within the Motor's and attaching them to the railings. With that we also were able to finish the basic structure of the chassis.
- Refreshed our memory on mating
- Put all the CAD files into organized files
- Completed the basic structure of the Canopy
This week we continued on our work with the Solid-works Square Bot. Jordan and I were able to figure out the correct measurements for the perfect fit for our square bars within the Motor's and attaching them to the railings. With that we also were able to finish the basic structure of the chassis.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Post #7
Goals for this week:
Today we were able to see and learn a few more tricks from Mr.Martin with Solidworks. We found a few short cuts and parts to save for last within the building of the Robots. Then we continued to assemble our Robot parts. With that we also came across a website with the exact parts we need to build this successfully rather than having to go and download random given parts to find one single part.
- Look up a quick tutorial on Solid works and mating
- Organize all the files we download
- Complete the basic structure of the chassis
Today we were able to see and learn a few more tricks from Mr.Martin with Solidworks. We found a few short cuts and parts to save for last within the building of the Robots. Then we continued to assemble our Robot parts. With that we also came across a website with the exact parts we need to build this successfully rather than having to go and download random given parts to find one single part.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Post #6
Goals Accomplished:
- Downloaded all of the CAD Files
- Updated our Blogs
Today we got a quick review lesson on how to work with solid works again. We also figured out how to completely download the CAD files and we began working on the square bot. In the midst of all of this, we also updated our blogs if it was necessary.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Post #5
The Goals For This Week Are:
- To locate all the CAD Files so we can begin building the robot on SolidWorks
- Finish building the robot on SolidWorks by the end of the week
- Begin learning how to use RobotC in the upcoming weeks
So far, we have had trouble locating all the files for the robot. A majority of the class has forgotten how to use Solidworks. Hopefully by the end of the week, we will figure it out.

Friday, January 16, 2015
Post #4
Goals Accomplished:
This week we continued to go through the VEX Inventors Guide. With that we saw the many parts and functions of those parts and how we can utilize them. We went through Logic, Programming, Control, Motion, Power, Structure, and Sensors. After that we went onto viewing the Robotic Coding program. In which we got to see the various Codes used to tell the Robots what to do and how to do them.
- Familiarized ourselves with the Inventor's Guide
- Located some of the Solid works files for the Robot
This week we continued to go through the VEX Inventors Guide. With that we saw the many parts and functions of those parts and how we can utilize them. We went through Logic, Programming, Control, Motion, Power, Structure, and Sensors. After that we went onto viewing the Robotic Coding program. In which we got to see the various Codes used to tell the Robots what to do and how to do them.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Post #3
The Goals For This Week Are:
Today is the beginning of our second week learning more about robots and their parts. We will continue with the discussion of the various robot parts as well as how we can use them to our advantage. We will also start getting into the 2005 version of the Inventor's guide today.
- Finish discussing robot parts
- Get well acquainted with the Inventor's guide
- Start building the robot in the upcoming weeks
Today is the beginning of our second week learning more about robots and their parts. We will continue with the discussion of the various robot parts as well as how we can use them to our advantage. We will also start getting into the 2005 version of the Inventor's guide today.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Post #2
Goals Accomplished:
- We learned the structure, logic, and parts of the Squarebot
- Created a new, background, and layout for our blog
- Learned the different components of the Inventor's Guide
At the conclusion of our first week, we have gained knowledge about the function of various robot parts. We also learned how to edit several aspects of our blogs. We also learned of a guide system known as the "Inventor's Guide" that we can utilize to help us along our Robotic's learning process.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Post #1
The Goals For This Week Are:
Today we created our blog to document our progress as we create our Robots. We established our groups today and it consists of Kendra, Ryan, and Jordan, and we named our team "Robots R Us". Also we set up the roles for each of us to do throughout the blog so everyone is doing something.
- Design and get our blog up-to-date
- Assign roles to each member of the team
- Learn the basics about the squarebot
Today we created our blog to document our progress as we create our Robots. We established our groups today and it consists of Kendra, Ryan, and Jordan, and we named our team "Robots R Us". Also we set up the roles for each of us to do throughout the blog so everyone is doing something.
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